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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Season 15: Game 9 Winners


Monday Night Poker League: Season 15 Championship Recap

The much-anticipated final game of Season 15 of the Monday Night Poker League did not disappoint, with drama and excitement unfolding from start to finish. The evening started with a major controversy when Jeff Barton was unable to attend, sparking heated discussions online. The controversy intensified when Jeff refused to accept a Halloween prop bet for the next season.

As the game commenced, the usual suspects made their early exits, clearing the way for the night’s final showdown. Rick wore his Fold Check Raise shirt and almost folded his AK late in the day. The championship showdown saw two of the league’s top players, Shinn and Hoagie, battling it out until the end. Hoagie’s pocket kings fell to Shinn’s pocket aces, cementing Shinn’s victory. Hoagie walked away with the lottery prize for the night.

Another storyline of the night was Ray C’s determined effort to overtake Samero and secure the fifth spot, which would earn him a trip to Vegas. Needing nothing short of a victory to achieve this, Ray C managed to win the entire night, thus clinching his spot in the top five and ensuring his place in Vegas.

Congratulations to Shinn for his overall season victory, marking his first league championship. Good luck to all the players heading to Vegas. For the rest of you... Get Better and see you next season.

Top 12 Players and Their Payouts

  1. Shinn - $3,000 + vegas ( played 2x $1500 monster stack no cash)
  2. Hoagie - $1,700 + vegas ( venetian $8610 - 41st)
  3. Keane- $1500 + vegas ( Played monster stack no cash)
  4. Matt L-$1,000 + vegas( Wsop 1k Mystery bounty - no cash) ( $280 last season still )
  5. Ray C- $1,000 + vegas ( colossus + orleans no cash )
  6. Samero - $1040 ( played bmore wsop 5/26 + Wsop ME satte online- no cash one bullet ) $530 left to play
  7. Jacob- $1040 ( $263 las season )
  8. Ray M - $560
  9. Rick- $560 ( $900 last season )
  10. Butter- $560
  11. TJ - $330
  12. Foster- ( played bmore wsop satte 5/26 no cash )
Players from Last season with outstanding tournaments ( Neamand $330 )

As we wrap up Season 15, the anticipation for the Vegas trip and the upcoming season is palpable. Stay tuned for more updates and recaps as our league members take their game to new heights on the Vegas felt. Good luck to all, and may the cards be ever in your favor!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Season 15: Game 8 deep stacked

Deep Stacked, Monday night poker league, game 8 of 9 unfolded with all the drama and excitement you'd expect from the MNPL. This was a night of early exits for some of our top players, shaking up the leaderboard and setting the stage for a tough finale.

Samero and Matt Lopresti, both contenders for the top spots, were among the casualties of the night. Three substitutes stepped up to the plate. Bickford filled in for Butter, who is currently living it up on the WPT cruise tour . Chuck took over for Ray C, and Chris Cote bravely played for Waldman, who was apparently getting his teeth pulled and decided to share a rather graphic photo with the group. Thanks Rick.

Despite Waldman's dental woes, his substitute managed to snag a much-needed second place, and to top it off, he won the lottery for the night. We were all hoping his luck would rub off on us when the ticket was drawn, but alas, it was not to be. Scott and Harry, however, continue to hold down the bottom spots, while Keane and Jacob are locked in a fierce battle to break into the top 5 and secure their spot in the Vegas package. At the end of the night, Roger took down first place, even after almost mucking earlier in the night, in the highly debated "Im Out" situation w/ Samero.

Dr. Shinn hobbled over Hoagie with hsi broken foot and now holds the lead going into the last month. However, there's a twist in the tale. Due to a kids' soccer game, Shinn may not even make it to the final showdown. Oh, the suspense!

As for the reigning champ, Keane, the pressure is on. If he doesn't clinch victory in the final game, he'll have to bid farewell to his cherished bracelet. Mathematically, Keane still has a fighting chance.

Mark your calendars for the championship game at 1 PM on Sunday, May 19th.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Season 15 Game 7: Deep level night

 In what's usually one of the longest nights of the season, our poker night on March 4th ended surprisingly early, wrapping up by 11:30 PM. The 30-minute round levels seemed to speed up the action, with several players busting out faster than normal.

It was a tough night for some of the leaderboard regulars, as Keane, Samero, and Matt L found themselves hitting the rail early. This opened the door for Shinn and Hoagie to make moves up the ranks. Even Pete managed to stick around for the whole game and make it to the final table!

In a hilarious side challenge prop bet, Rick the Grinder attempted the saltine cracker challenge, aiming to eat 6 crackers in 1 minute. Let's just say he won't be entering any eating contests anytime soon!

On the bright side, Harry managed to snag the lottery bonus for the night. Vince, subbing for Butter, made a deep run and showed that his sub services are in high demand. Butter was sick and won't make it next month as well as he won a free cruise to a WPT poker tour event next month. GOOD LUCK

Tim filled in for Mikey Mush, who was off celebrating his birthday in AC. In the end, it was Shinn who faced off against Vince, ultimately securing his second victory of the season. With this win, Shinn is now in second place, right behind Hoagie on the leaderboard.

Mark your calendars for the next game on April 1st at 7:15 PM, Big Stack night!

Also mark your calenders Saturday July 20th Hoagie will be hosting a cash game for the Mike Tyson / Logan Paul Fight. 730PM

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Season 15 Game 6, Turbo Night

 Turbo Night Madness

Tonight was Turbo Night, with blind levels lasting just 10 minutes, the action was hot and heavy like Scott at Karaoke Night!

The night started off with a bang as Samero, our early front-runner, suffered an unexpected early loss. Samero's tumble from first to third in the overall points standings was a shock to us all. ( not really ) Jacob took a bad beat from Scott and his antics began.

We had some new faces at the table tonight, with Vince stepping in for Ray M and Tom Brant subbing for Pete. The big news, however, was the return of former league champion Chuck Aquino. Chuck wasted no time reminding us why he's a force to be reckoned with, going on a tear and eventually facing off against Ray C in a tense heads-up battle.

In the end, it was Ray C who emerged victorious, claiming a much-needed win. Chuck, subbing for the absent TJ, put up a valiant fight but ultimately fell just short of the win.

Scott hit the jackpot by winning the lottery. Perhaps those new Trump Golden Sneakers he's been eyeing are finally within reach!

As the dust settles, Matt Lopresti and Hoagie find themselves locked in a dead heat for first place with 80 points each. The competition couldn't be tighter as we head into our

Next game on Monday, March 4, 10k Stack with 30-minute blind levels.

Side Note: The WSOP 2024 Schedule has been announced and is discussed among Hoagie and Keane on their Nerdthusiast Poker Podcast

Friday, January 12, 2024

Season 15: Game 5, A New Home

Game 5 of the season was special, marking the grand opening of the new poker mancave, "Hoagies Command Center 2.0."

The poker gods had a sense of humor that night, as Rick found himself in a nerve-wracking situation. Home sick and anxiously awaiting the arrival of his substitute, Tim, Rick was sweating bullets. Tim, almost falling victim to a case of mistaken addresses, narrowly avoided arrest and eventually joined the game. Tim embraced the style that is Rick, and played tight as can be.

Both Harry and Foster had substitutes in tow. Foster's sub, Vince, emerged as a strong force, first taking out his son TJ and then ultimately reaching the heads-up showdown.

Joe Samero, who unfortunately busted early in the game. Despite the setback, Joe held onto the top spot in overall points in the league. But the wolves are onto him.

Pete employed a new strategy, leave with 6,000 in chips still in and play and make the final table. The strategy worked as he doubled his league points from the comfort of his own house.

Ray won Lottery for the night!

A side note echoed through the poker mancave at the final table – a wish for Mark, known as Butter, to "Get Better." He faced a three way all in but was denied in his GTO skills to emerge vicorious.

As the hands unfolded, the spotlight shifted to Matt Lopresti, who took down first for the night. His triumph earned him more than just bragging rights – he secured an entry into the prestigious Borgata Charity Series of Poker event scheduled for January 20. Good Luck Matt!

next game will take place on MON February 19th, designated as Turbo Night.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Season 15:Game 4 - Bounty Night

Game 4 - Bounty Night Madness!

It's time for another thrilling recap of our poker shenanigans, and Game 4 brough the house down! Literally, because it was the last game at Hoagies house. But fear not, poker league will take place at – Command Center 2.0. starting in 2024.

So, let's dive into the bounty-fueled chaos that was Game 4. Picture this: a poker night without subs. It finally happened, everyone was there even Scott showed up! The action kicked off fast and furious and players were dropping like flies. It was a true bounty night, with everyone's sights set on that sweet cash bounty bonus.

Rick also got an early Christmas gift with his Fold, Check, Raise T Shirt!

In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it turn of events, we found ourselves at the final table in under 2 hours. That's faster than it takes Keane to regret leaving a MNF football game early!

Roger won lottery bonus for the night.

Final Three - Samero, Shinn, and the hot-streak Harry. It was a showdown of epic proportions. Samero went heads up twice in a row, but this time, Shinn swooped in and closed the deal with a victory heads up. Sorry, Harry, your hot streak will have to sizzle for another day. Samero now is king of the stats for the time being, but the RHS class of 2001 is hot in pursuit.

And in a bittersweet twist, this was our last game at Hoagies house. The poker gods have spoken, and they've ordained Command Center 2.0 as the new poker haven. The movers are doing their thing, and we're gearing up for a fresh start in the new year.

Next Game 5 - Monday Jan . 8 - is just around the corner, and it's our charity night! The stakes are high, and the winner gets a golden ticket – a seat to play in event 20, the Charity Series of Poker $225 event at The Borgata in January.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Season 15 game 3, Mystery Bounty Madness


Our monthly league always finds a way to spice things up, and this month was no exception. The cards were dealt, the chips were flying, and the stakes were higher than ever as we hosted our much-anticipated Mystery Bounty month. Each player, upon elimination, was handed a mystery envelope containing cash, ranging from a modest $5 to the grand prize of $200. 

The Return of Ackdaddy:

This particular night also marked the return of a familiar face to our poker enclave—Alumni Erich Ackermann, fondly known as Ackdaddy. He stepped in as a substitute for Roger, bringing a renewed energy as he made a final table.

Epic Moments at the Final Table:

Jeff Barton: Lottery winner for the night.

As the night unfolded, the final table showcased an intense showdown featuring Joe Samero, the current league leader, alongside the formidable Lopresti brothers and Shinn. However, it was one hand that left Mikey Mush Lopresti seething with frustration.

In a three-way action-packed hand, Matt went all in, prompting Shinn and Mike Lopresti to initiate a side pot. Mush confidently checked, convinced he had the winning hand. However, Shinn seized the opportunity, making a bold play at the side pot that ultimately coerced Mike into folding. To add salt to the wound, Shinn's cards revealed nothing but a well-executed bluff. Matt seized the opportunity to rebound, building a substantial stack and securing a second-place finish.

Joe LuckBox Samero Emerges Victorious:

The final showdown came down to a clash between Matt and Joe LuckBox Samero. Despite Matt's valiant efforts, Joe emerged victorious, but Matt seized the $200 Big Bounty for the night. With this win, Joe has now claimed the top spot in the league standings after three months of play.

Farewell to Cicali Command Center:

Looking ahead, our poker community bids farewell to the Cicali Command Center, as he is set to move the poker room to a new location. The upcoming game on December 11th at 7:15 PM will mark the last month at the current venue.

Points Update - Season 15, Game 2: