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Monday, December 18, 2023

Season 15:Game 4 - Bounty Night

Game 4 - Bounty Night Madness!

It's time for another thrilling recap of our poker shenanigans, and Game 4 brough the house down! Literally, because it was the last game at Hoagies house. But fear not, poker league will take place at – Command Center 2.0. starting in 2024.

So, let's dive into the bounty-fueled chaos that was Game 4. Picture this: a poker night without subs. It finally happened, everyone was there even Scott showed up! The action kicked off fast and furious and players were dropping like flies. It was a true bounty night, with everyone's sights set on that sweet cash bounty bonus.

Rick also got an early Christmas gift with his Fold, Check, Raise T Shirt!

In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it turn of events, we found ourselves at the final table in under 2 hours. That's faster than it takes Keane to regret leaving a MNF football game early!

Roger won lottery bonus for the night.

Final Three - Samero, Shinn, and the hot-streak Harry. It was a showdown of epic proportions. Samero went heads up twice in a row, but this time, Shinn swooped in and closed the deal with a victory heads up. Sorry, Harry, your hot streak will have to sizzle for another day. Samero now is king of the stats for the time being, but the RHS class of 2001 is hot in pursuit.

And in a bittersweet twist, this was our last game at Hoagies house. The poker gods have spoken, and they've ordained Command Center 2.0 as the new poker haven. The movers are doing their thing, and we're gearing up for a fresh start in the new year.

Next Game 5 - Monday Jan . 8 - is just around the corner, and it's our charity night! The stakes are high, and the winner gets a golden ticket – a seat to play in event 20, the Charity Series of Poker $225 event at The Borgata in January.

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